How to Get Rid of Stubborn Fat

Dieting and an active lifestyle can be powerful in helping patients attain the physique they desire, but these factors may not be effective in getting rid of stubborn, exercise-resistant fat. This stubborn fat, which often accumulates in regions like the abdomen, thighs, upper arms, hips, “love handles,” and buttocks, can be difficult to improve with healthy habits alone. Dr. John Ayala, our board-certified plastic surgeon in San Antonio, provides long-lasting solutions for patients wanting to gain a slimmer, more contoured look in areas affected by stubborn fat buildup:

Liposuction: Targeted Fat Removal

Perhaps the most popular method of selective fat removal, liposuction involves using a narrow cannula and suction-assisted technology to extract excess fat cells. This technique can remove up to 80 percent of fat in a given area and is typically ideal for men and women who:

Dr. John Ayala and our medical team listen carefully to your concerns so we can find the best possible treatment to make your goals a reality. If you’re interested in reshaping areas of the body affected by excess fat, contact Ayala Plastic Surgery to book a consultation at our San Antonio practice